My brother, who works for a book publishing company, recently assured me that hard copy books (you know, those rectangular objects with pages made of paper and a cover) will be obsolete in our lifetime. At the risk of sounding old school, this makes me sad. He said that tablets have now enabled readers to highlight & take notes, which was the first complaint of other book lovers like me when the electronic bullies arrived on the scene. “What about dog-earring pages?!” I asked, “And texture? And not having to carry a charger to be able to read?” I mentioned possibly moving to another country that is slightly behind the times, allowing me to utilize actual books for the rest of my lifetime at least. He just shook his head at my stuck-in-my-wayness.

I’m convinced that some big thing is going to happen to wipe out all college debt that was incurred before the year 2000 and whatever that is will also affect technological reading devices, making books infinitely necessary. However, I feel I must share these titles just in case libraries and Half Price Book stores (my fav) are a thing of the past. I would suggest securing your copy of any of the wonderful books below while you can. Each one has helped me understand and enjoy life a little more and I reread them whenever times get tough or boredom ensues. The pictures are of my actual copies, so excuse the wear and tear. If you click on any of the books, the link will direct you to a copy that can be ordered online, and you won’t even need batteries or a charger to enjoy them.
- The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent – This is one of the many books I own by Abraham Hicks. Every single reading helps me understand how to direct my focus and create a life with intention.
- Ask and It Is Given – This one, again by Abraham Hicks, is a gold standard of mine. When I am not currently reading anything, I begin this one again.
- The Astonishing Power of Emotions – Again by Abraham Hicks this book has helped me understand how emotions are the key to understanding our vibrations.
- Big Magic – This book is by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love. It made me laugh out loud more than a few times and is the perfect read for anyone with a creative spirit.
- Eat Pray Love – Written by Elizabeth Gilbert again; I loved the book more than the movie. It’s girly, but I’m a girl, so I loved it. It makes me laugh and is good for the soul.
- Getting into the Vortex – This one came with a guided meditation cd (I know, old school again). The accompanying meditations can be found on YouTube and helped me when I first began my practice.
- Girl Wash Your Face – By Rachel Hollis, this book is the most recent addition to my favs. While she is less rough around the edges than me or Jen Sincero (i.e. less curse words), Rachel is all about the feminine spirit, humor, and creating the life you want.
- The Law of Attraction – Life 101 to me. It is like reading how gravity works, only way more helpful.
- The Magic – By Rhonda Byrne, this book came after The Secret. The Secret is a documentary on Netflix and this reiterates many of the points. Since I need repetition to learn things, this is right down my alley.
- Manifest Your Desires – Once more by Abraham Hicks, this book has a small little caption to read for each day of the year. The pictures are beautiful and I pick it up to refresh my spirit as a quick read to re-guide my focus.
- The Power – This book is also by Rhonda Byrne and came after The Secret. I appreciated the Secret a little more, as this just has much of the same information, but I can’t find my copy of that at the moment. 🙂
- Stuff White People Like – This one is by Christian Lander & is not all spiritual like the other books but it’s so freggin’ funny, it has to be good for ya. If you like sarcastic funny, this is a must read.
- The Vortex – By Abraham Hicks (again) this book is a go-to book of mine when I need to clean up my thinking and my vibration.
- You Are a Badass – You are a Badass by Jen Sincero gets me all fired up about being awesome. This chick is hysterical and gives me the umph to get up and live my life, dammit!
- You Are a Badass at Making Money – Again by Jen Sincero, because if you love her first book, of course this one will be awesome as well. I see she’s about to release a third book in this series (You are a Badass Every Day) and I will read it within the first week I obtain it. (To get to this money one, you will have to scroll down after you click.)
- You Can Heal Your Life – This is an oldie but a goodie. Louise Hayes helps clean up the thinking behind ailments and diseases to guide healing. I think even with medicine, fixing the way my mind focuses helps my health.
- You Are a Badass Every Day – I bought this as a gift for my sister and read it in one sitting before I could wrap it. Powerful and a must read. (I asked sis to give it back after she read it for my book shelf because she keeps nothing).
- Educated – My smart niece who almost killed me with scuba diving suggested this book. It’s still nonfiction, but not normally the type of book I would read. My life was on hold until I finished it. Glued!