Miss Holly and I go wayyyyy back. I worked my first job at Dairy Queen with her at the ripe age of 14. (If you read When I Grow Up you know this was my first job of many). We both ended up marrying the guys we were dating back then. And divorced them. Nearly 20 years later, I saw her at BW3s (or Buffalo Wild Wings for people younger than 35). Although my memory is questionable on some topics, I don’t forget a face.
Since then, I celebrated Holly’s 40th birthday with her the evening I ran my first, and probably only, mini-marathon. (I had to drink to be able to move; it wasn’t pretty). I also had the honor of being a part of her Christmas-time wedding. Holly’s humor makes her one of my favs and if our text and IM exchanges are ever made public…well, at least I know she will happily go down with me.
To add to her 9-5 income, Holly began selling Magnabilities because she was buying so much jewelry from the company that it just made sense. Because of her, I recently discovered that their personalized jewelry (see bracelets pic) is my new favorite gift for chicas in my crew.
Holly is also the woman who reminded me of the Survey Side Hustle at Herron Associates, so supporting her means you are helping out a funny lady that knows how to keep her eyes open for opportunities to profit dollars… starting way back in her high school years.
Aww thanks for the accolades!!! I found the scrapbook thing to get my pictures out of totes myself. Which is kind of ironic at the moment. My son is graduating and my living room looks like a scrapbook store threw up. Photos and paper stuff everywhere! Out of all my photographed memories it is sad to me that I never once took a picture of our fun at Dairy Queen. I LOVED that job. I mean, what could be more fun than making ice cream messes all day?
Love our crazy messaging, I thing you are the only one that gets my sick, perverted humor sometimes. 😀
So now I’m totally on the hunt for some pics of us from back in the day. I remember my shirt always being a complete mess when I got home, but I smelled good at least. I’m making a side hustle page for Suzanne so as I touch base with her, I’ll see if she has any. Michelle and Derek were our other co-workers that I remember. Anyhow, I truly love your humor and I hope that your side gigs keep the money flowing your way.