My Commanding Companies page is dedicated to women who have an entire business, but this page will share (legal) ways to make extra money outside of a typical 9-5. There are ideas from various women and links to what they do. The easiest place to start was a gallery of my Painting Projects. My hustle started out as simply telling people in conversations, “I find painting therapeutic,” to realizing many other people don’t like to paint. Like, at all. (shocker) I posted a few Before and Afters on FaceBook and I’m literally busy every weekend if I wish.

You may have read Side Gig, my post about donating plasma, which inspired me to develop this post. I’ve decided blood money is only going to work for me if I’m again offered a good deal for a once a week donation. While $90 is good money for less than two hours a week, my arm just doesn’t vibe with the two pokes in 7 days. It is, however, nice to have that option in my back pocket if times get dire.
I have found that owning a printer, along with paper and ink – all simultaneously, can lead to a bit of side cash. I created a resume’ for a lady last summer and I was proud when she landed her job within a week. People always seem to need forms filled out or invitations created. I keep my ears peeled for others complaining about what they don’t have time to do because I know that could be an opportunity for me to make money.

One friend of mine shared pictures of healthy food she had prepared in an album titled “Food Porn” on FaceBook. Before she knew it, someone requested to pay her for a meal plan. The same friend made the hats in the picture, and, once again, FaceBook turned the posts into a little extra income for her. Social media has truly made side hustles require a minimum amount of time in the area of advertising.

An elementary school nurse began selling Jamberry nail wraps and then the company converted to BeneYOU when it added health and beauty products to its inventory. While maintaining all of that (as well as wifin’ and mommin’), after receiving some cute cups from a friend, this chica experimented with the vinyl cutting machine at her husband’s work. After creating Christmas gifts one year, the hobby turned into a side hustle with vinyl prints on wood, shirts, and other materials (like the artsy pumpkins pictured above).
Herron Associates is another option for making extra income. One friend of mine was recently paid $125 for two hours of opinion-giving at this marketing and research company. Naturally, I immediately went to the Herron website to sign up. I haven’t been contacted yet, so I must admit that I appreciate how with plasma donation I’m in control of when I make the money. When I do finally receive that email to let someone know how I feel about something, I am for sure stepping up to the opportunity. This same friend, btw, also side hustles by selling magnetic personalized jewelry, so I dedicated a whole page to her here.
If you have any Side Hustle ideas to add in the comments section, please keep the momentum going!