Letter to the Universe - Your Heart's Desire
I mentioned in my last post that I enjoyed a conversation with a lady in Costa Rica who had received advice from a Shaman on how to attract what you desire into your life. He gave six specific instructions on how to write a letter to the Universe (Source, God, Angels, etc.). After she shared about half of the instructions, I had to ask if she knew of Abraham Hicks. I have referenced their material before and the lady’s details fell directly in line with the advice I’ve read and heard from them. To my surprise, she had not heard of them, which makes me even more certain that the directions are coming from a true source of knowledge.

In my case, hearing that it is to be a written letter is a big deal. I will sit in solitude with the best intentions to focus or meditate, and after hearing some bug or leaf move, I begin to contemplate the choices of my next snack our outfit. (Think of a dog thinking “Squirrel” and that’s my mind’s attention span on many occasions.) Therefore, placing the desire on paper, versus just envisioning it, allows the desire to have full attention, completion, and fruition. I’m sure typing works just as well as writing as long as you can print the letter (you will see why later in the instructions).
I have already shared two of the specifics to this process in my previous post:
- Write your desire in Present Tense and be uber Specific.
Write as if you have your desire already (i.e. Thank you for my home – not Thank you for the home that is on its way to me, because then, it will persistently be “on its way.”) As for the specific part, I am reminded of a time when a family member asked me what I wanted for a Christmas gift and, in my efforts to be humble, replied that it didn’t matter. When I later unwrapped an article of clothing that I had to donate immediately, I realized I could’ve just as easily have answered that a gift card for gas would come in handy. Whatever details you leave out will be filled in for you, so it is worth taking some time to write and edit and rewrite this over and again like your pain-in-the-neck English teacher made you do on all papers turned in.
This next one may seem a bit contrary to the direction of being specific, but remember, this is from a Shaman, not me:
- Do NOT include numbers or time limits.
We must have faith that what we want will come when we are good and ready for it and when the desire is ripe and ready for us. We are not the Universe’s Executive Assistant or Accountant.
- Only include Positives in your desire.
As I’ve heard Abraham Hicks say, the Universe is all-inclusive, meaning No’s do not exist. The best example I have heard for this is to imagine a wonky drive-thru ordering screen. You can tell the speaker is going in and out, but yet, you still order a hamburger with no onion; When you unwrap your sandwich at home, you find an entire slew of onions. You get what you think about, even if you are thinking about what you don’t want, so, write down (and focus upon) what you DO want and ignore the opposite.
- Include your Feelings when writing this down.

This means to not only write how you will feel when you receive this desire, but also really feel those emotions when you are writing it down in the present tense. Your feelings are literally your very real vibrations that you send out, so embrace feeling ecstatic, appreciative, and happy to attract things that will cause you to feel that way. Furthermore, in Creating Money: Attracting Abundance, Sanya Roman & Duane Packer explain the benefits of focuings on the essence of how you want to feel, because honestly, the Universe may send you something that makes you feel that way in an even better way than you could dream up.
I have to admit that this last one takes a little stretching for me from time to time:
- State how others will benefit from you having received this desire.
For example, for my desire letter about owning a house with a pool, I have included that others will be able to visit and enjoy themselves and I will feel peaceful, which will affect everyone I encounter. This morning I listened to an audio clip from an Abraham Hicks conference on YouTube, titled “Create Your Money with a Beautiful Method.” Within the first two minutes, they are way more eloquent than me at stating how one person having more money can benefit those around them, even if not monetarily. The basic gist to remember is that when each person is their All, their Most Fulfilled Spirit, they can offer so much more to the world and to others around them. In other words, when you can describe how your blessings will bless others, you are on the right track.

The final instruction from the Shaman was to sign the letter and place it in a spot that will remind you often of the desire (and the high-vibin’ feelings it brings). I believe this goes along with Faith; when you see it, you have to have an absolute reservation and excited anticipation knowing that it is coming. In Christian terms, “Let God and Let Go.”
I would love to hear any and all stories of this process bringing you empowerment as well as your heart’s desires and I will undoubtedly report back when my desires flow into my life as well.
As you know, I have been journaling my feelings for over a month. Relgiously. I started journaling ad a way to dig myself out of a very deep depression I have fallen into. I am slowly climbing my way out. After reading this I realized I may be going about my journaling all wrong. You see, I don’t want to burden others with my depressive bitchng, so I journal it. It has helped tremendously. But I have forgotten to ask God for what I truly want instead I ask Him why he has put me in this particular place in life. So from now on…I will concentrate more on the things I DO want instead of things I DON’T want. I will keep you updated…..😉😉