Operation TacOcaT
Remember my non-plan, 5 year plan, that boils down to moving south of Indiana? Lately, my imagination has been able to add a few details to my intentions. The benefits to sharing with you are twofold on my end: 1) writing through a topic actually helps me figure out what my thoughts even are about said subject & 2) once my goal goes public, it’s harder for me to renegotiate. Not that I won’t. As I’ve said before, something that I’ve learned about me is that nothing I say is carved in stone. For example, I’ve said I won’t ever skydive, but given the ideal circumstances…let’s just say I can hear my own voice hollering as the parachute strings are being pulled even as I type this right now. But, when I committed to one month of no drinking out loud, I definitely held myself more accountable. I am hoping to do the same with this notion.

Enter: Operation TacOcat. Let me get this out of the way right off the bat- I am not planning to cook with cat meat. That’s just gross in my world. I keep my carnivore habits strictly to cows, chickens and the occasional pig and sea-dwelling creature. Cats are nearly at Zoey level with me. Back in my teaching days, I annually bequeathed the knowledge of palindromes to each group of students that were in my care. Let’s face it, the English language can be tricky and the rules sometimes suck. So, words and phrases that can be spelled forwards and backwards add a little fun to the life of nerds (namely, me). Add in a love of Mexican cuisine and, wallah, the name for a beach-adjacent restaurant south of the border was birthed.

I use the word restaurant lightly. I don’t want to have a menu per se, nor do I want to have established hours. Within my basic human goal of freedom, the healthiest, best version of me would require rising to restedness vs. an alarm clock on most days. (My current 5/2 ratio has proved less than paradise.) Adult Me doesn’t enjoy having to be anywhere at any given time and the second I feel like I have to do something, I immediately like it less. What I do enjoy, though, is cooking delicious, healthy-ish food. And, I like getting to know others by conversing and breaking bread with them. Furthermore, I love the beach and the weather & peace that goes with it. The equation of all of that = TacOcaT.

The TacOcaT concept is currently set in Mexico, approximately 2026. The exact location in Mexico is dependent upon further research, with “safe for expats” being the front runner in searches. An amigo guapo who shares my palate of yummy eats and libations, as well as my adoration of the beach, is presently planning to join, which added beautiful momentum to this journey. On the daily, after waking from a peaceful sleep, my handsome compañero and I will gather delectable, fresh ingredients to create a savory meal. We will concoct an abundant amount of scrumptious nourishment to eat, drink and sell. We will post what we are inventing for any meals that we wish to share. If anyone finds it desirable, they are welcome to come by. Our price will be determined by ingredients + effort. This will happen for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. Or… it might not.

The owners of TacOcaT just want to live in joy, like you. Some days, a quick snack before a day out exploring may be desired more than hanging next to the beach to cook. We aren’t offended if you don’t choose to consume our smoothies, acai bowls, omelettes, tacos, salsa, soup, mimosas, or whatever in the hell it is we choose to throw together on any given day. It’s sincerely, always ‘no worries, mon’. We are existing in the name of happy. If what we offer is attracting you- bienvenidos. If not- you are welcome at any other given time that our paths shall meet.

“Why Mexico?” you might ask. “Why not?” is the reply. If the landing spot doesn’t seem to be hogar, a new, warm beach will be searched until home is found. Maybe I watched a few too many episodes of Tom and Jerry starring Jerry’s cousin, Slowpoke Rodriguez, but nonetheless, throughout the writing of this post, I have solidified my vision. I welcome ideas and joyful anticipation along the path to my desires; happy along the road to happy is certainly the key. I hope while reading, you were brought the benefit of a smirk or a smile, as well as the notion of a nice place to visit (up ahead in time just a bit) where you will appreciate great food, interesting, positive conversation, and the opposite of Indiana weather.

Love it!!! Your Dream will come true one day 🙏
Thanks for reading, Cheryl. You are always welcome at mi casa. 🙂