Like the last couple in the How They Met series, the duo in this story has Tennessee roots. Kyle was born and raised in the Volunteer State but Laura was a Hoosier until a few years after high school graduation. Her deliberation to move south was comparable to the time I spent deciding on education as a college major. She was upset with her father and confided in a friend. After listening, the friend suggested that she join her in attending a 7th-Day Adventist nursing school 2 states south. Laura answered, “Okay.”

It’s interesting to note here that Laura was raised a devout Catholic. I think that most humans believe in a higher power, a Source of life, but the practices to connect with that spirit are vastly different. Even when religions honor the same God, their customs can vastly differ. This is certainly the case with Catholicism and 7th-Day Adventist. For example, the latter are not keen on libations. Conversely, the Eucharist, a sacrament in the Catholic church, involves drinking real wine and traditionally begins at about 8 years of age. 7th-Day Adventists frown upon non-secular dancing or other celebrations non-religious in nature. On the other side of that token, if you have ever enjoyed a Catholic school festival or wedding reception, you know how this group enjoys a damn good time. Around 20 years of age, Laura found herself living the dichotomy of the rules & rituals of both her school’s and her family’s beliefs.

Abstinence from meat was a requirement on campus, but Laura allowed herself some animal protein when she traveled off campus. On one outing to the local Burger Chef with friends, she met Kyle. It didn’t appear that timing was on their side. The suitor asked the lady out but she had a fiance’ back in her home state. Eventually Laura found out that her husband-to-be in Indiana was dating other people-namely, Laura’s roommate (a.k.a. the friend that talked her into moving to TN). My gut reaction was to think poorly of Laura’s friend. However, hindsight being 20/20, I can see that this one friend was responsible for persuading Laura to move south and enlightening her to move on and date another man. Therefore, I now think of her as an undercover Cupid for a marriage nearing 50 years.

After 6 weeks of dating, Kyle asked Laura to marry him. She laughed, saying he didn’t know her at all. The couple continued to date and time passed. Laura went home for the winter holidays and realized that absence made her heart grow fonder. When she returned to Tennessee, Kyle asked her to marry him again. She didn’t laugh the second time.

On July 1st, 2020, this couple celebrated their 48th year of marriage. (In my world, that translates to 2 years of planning a spectacular golden anniversary celebration.) Anyone that knows the couple isn’t the least bit surprised that their union has lasted. They are both the embodiment of service. When asked the keys to a lasting relationship, Kyle responded, “Common courtesy, don’t dwell on the small stuff, help each other when you can, lots of hugs when the other is down, be quick to forgive each other’s flaws, hang on to the good moments & let the bad ones slip away quietly. Be happy!” The smart man who knew with certainty who should be his wife seems to have grown even wiser over the years.
Sweet!!! You don’t see many couple together that long anymore!! They seem like an awsome couple. And the have a awsome son ❤
Thanks for reading! True sweethearts…and two awesome sons. 🙂
So happy for you!! Happy Anniversary!!
Lots of love!! Deb in Tn!!
Thank you for reading! It seems a lot of lasting love began down in your state. 🙂
Laura is my cousin. She picked the WINNER when she chose Kyle. They have devoted their life in helping their family and others. What an inspirational couple!!