Choose Your Own Adventure
I remember reading a series of books called Choose Your Own Adventure when I was a kid. In each chapter book, I would choose my own path in the story. If I wanted one thing to happen for me (the main character), I had to turn to a certain page or if I decided to go a different route, I was directed to another page. I loved those books! It was like choosing your steps on a hiking path while absorbed in a book. If you ever played the old school video game ‘Oregon Trail’ these books were like that but with a ton more topics than traveling west. I’ve come to realize life is basically a giant sized version of Choose Your Own Adventure, so I’d like to invite you into a choice I was recently presented with, the ways it could have played out, and the road I traveled…

The line at the plasma center was the longest I had ever seen. Apparently being closed on Easter brought donors out of the woodwork on Wednesday nights. This was my last go at this side gig for awhile, but this was my largest pay out yet, so I was committed to the wait. I admittedly had contemplated bailing but after only a few minutes in line, behind me joined a cute guy with perfect teeth and nice pectorals. (If you read my post, Blessings in Adversity, you know the latter is like a moth to flame with yours truly.) We quickly struck up a conversation while the rest of the herded cattle worked on their permanent cell phone neck bend (see picture above). We spoke to everything from beer to espresso to traveling to the excessiveness of Cross Fit…podcasts, college, roundabouts, painting, the slight suckiness of plasma donation and the tempting benefit that makes us ignore the suckiness. Before I knew it, an hour had passed and I was up next for my routine weigh in, finger prick, and blood pressure check. Seeing our conversation had to end, Cutie reached his hand out and said it was nice getting to talk while we waited. He introduced himself.
Take a moment to imagine you are single for now (but not forever). What would you do? Click your choice:
- Introduce myself as well and hand him my business card before going up to the counter.
- Introduce myself with a handshake as well and allow him to make the next move, if any.
- Introduce myself with a handshake as well, wait awhile, and offer my number before leaving the center if he doesn’t take the next step.
I remember when reading the Choose Your Own Adventure books, I always ended up reading all of the choices presented out of curiosity. I felt it was my prerogative to change my mind. Some of the choices were a let-down and some just left me pondering until my next book. I feel I mirrored that with the choices I created above, only two of which were fiction.

If you happen to be out in the dating world right now like myself, and read Choice 1, allow me to predict the exact moment that you knew it was fiction: right when the guy asked me out in his text instead of sending a penis picture. (Have guys decided it’s okay to skip the whole dating step nowadays or what?!)
As for Choice 3, any time I have put myself out there on a limb in the dating field, it didn’t pan out. Like, at all. I was the one to approach my ex-husband and, um, we have three kids together but don’t speak a word or make eye contact, ever. Furthermore, I find I can’t estimate a man’s age even within a decade. A good rule of thumb is if I am physically attracted to him, he is mentally too young for me.

Ultimately, my choice in this tiny life decision was number 2. In other words, I opted for the ‘Do Nothing’ approach. Based on my past relationship experience, letting the man be the man and make the first move has proved more successful. I completely support women that have more mojo than me and I’m in awe when it works out for them.
I absolutely believe that we create our own reality and I also believe there are no mistakes. My meager approach that night was for a reason. Maybe it was because a cool experience is up ahead of me. Maybe it was to save me from some b.s. the universe knows I don’t need again. Maybe it’s because I need vodka to have balls. I admittedly have thought about those perfect teeth a few times in the last week, but I like to think my encounter was a sign that I’m vibrating in a way that attracts cool people who interact in great conversations. And as a bonus, they even have great pecs.