The Woman Strong

CYOA – Choice 1

I shook his hand and told him my name.  The phlebotomist stated that she could help the next person in line, but I figured she could wait for one moment since I had waited an hour.  I shifted my blanket to my right side and dug around in my laptop bag until I found my wallet.  A few teeth of the zipper on my wallet are missing (typical) so it snagged as I yanked at the tab.  After what seemed an eternity, I was able to slide a business card out to hand to him.

“Here you go.  It was nice chatting with you as well.”  I flashed a smile his way and approached the counter, sticking out the finger I chose to have pricked on this go-round.  That evening I received a text from an unknown number, but not an unknown person.  He asked if I remembered him, the “plasma guy” and wondered if we could spend some more time together this weekend.  I sent back the winky face emoji and now have plans this weekend that don’t soley involve me, my couch, wine, and Ramen noodles.


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