This young lady is my niece, Emily. She’s one of two people who I thumbs-up or laughy-face emoji on nearly every single post they make on FaceBook. We both have an appreciation for sarcastic and witty humor. Her interest in photography began in high school and has since developed (you see what I did there?) into being hired to take wedding, graduation, engagement and baby pictures. Her next step with her business is turning the barn at her new house into a photo studio. If my singleness continues, I’m going to see if she would be weirded out by shooting a boudoir set for her auntie.

Emily also has an interest in creating organic soaps. She uses essential oils, oats, herbs and honey for scents and begins all soaps with an olive oil or goat’s milk soap base. She has recently begun growing her own plants to enable her to create oils and additives at home. A few examples of Emily’s soaps are: oatmeal stout, honey ale and mahogany. In supporting Emily’s business, you are helping pave the way to success for a nice, young, funny chica.