How Did I get Here? (Waking up with a wtf hair cut)
This one definitely wasn’t a daydream planned in my mind as a little girl.
The only reasoning I can come up with is that I’ve been going to the same Hair Gal for years now~she’s been with me through divorce, career change & child-rearing, so I trust her. She knows the character that is me & most importantly, my type of hair. Add to that, I was leaving soon for Jamaica! This place is mentioned in songs & traveling just gets me HYPE! I had to have a new look for this trip. In the sum of all of that, I woke after 40 trips around the sun (+ a few months) with half of my head shaved. The rest that was left was as Purple as…well, just think Prince Purple.

There’s me & I’m not one of the cutie pies on the left. For a week, in the beach setting, I was able to “Rock that Shit” as my Hair Gal had challenged of me after sensing my ‘O shit what have we done?’ vibe. Eventually, though, I had to come back home again-to Indiana-where shaved purple heads aren’t the common ‘do in the Catholic School Mom circle.
There’s no big climax to this story as of yet; I’m still in the growing-out phase so I’ll keep you posted. My mantra has always been ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.’ I bring that up now because I must admit to at least one morning of lying in bed for a few minutes before facing an exhausting day of living, being on the weaker side of my mantra. I rubbed the stubble on the left side of my head & thought, ‘How in the hell did I get here?’ I mentally beat myself up for a minute, wondering if my coif was my version of the classic middle-aged man buying an expensive convertible. Who do you think you are anyway, Pink?
- I’ve read that if you plan to have a good day, you must set your thoughts right before you put your feet on the floor.
On page 192 of The Vortex by Esther & Jerry Hicks, there is a short morning mental routine that helps me get my mind right before facing the process of waking up 5 people, 3 of which despise mornings.

- The same authors suggest: if you’re feeling negative, the way to encourage your mental state to move in a positive direction, is to focus on just a small thought of relief. Have you ever felt physically or emotionally horrible and someone crossed your path who exuded pure cheer and happiness- a direct contrast to your mood? Those bastards! That striking feeling shows why efforts to jump from grumpy to joyful are more futile than thinking just a little thing that makes you feel slightly better. Sarcasm works at turning my grumpy into slightly amused.
In this instance, I softened my thoughts by remembering I had my hair completely bleached blonde & pixie cut when I was 22, meaning this was less about a middle-aged crisis than me just being plain crazy when it comes to hair styles. I assume that’s an effect of watching Cyndi Lauper perform in the 80s. Laughing at myself > longing over Pinterest pictures of beautiful long hair styles. (Read > as ‘greater than’)

I was also comforted in knowing every other adult I’ve met, possibly every human, has lay in bed wondering how could I be so stupid? Self, you’ve made some dumb decisions but that was one of the dumbest in awhile! Finding that I think this less often than in the preceding 3 decades gave me hope. I kicked my butt in gear and faced the day Like a Boss. I’ve since been perfecting my taste in Beanies and Head Wraps.
Post coming soon: Vitamins That Really Work and if Biotin (for Hair Growth) is One of Them!
I have always loved the people that could rock a different hairstyle/color whenever the mood would strike. I would love to be that bold chic. I myself have a very love/hate relationship with my curly(frizzy) locks. I have every product under the sun in my bathroom cabinet to try and tame the mess but then the words of my mom (whose hair is straight as a board) pass through my mind. “Quit fighting it. Just let it do what it wants.” Mom is always right it seems. 🙂
I want to see a pic of your kink! I will try to figure out how to make visitors able to post pics too!
My life went sideways 2 years ago. Anger, bitterness, self pity would be so easy. This is not what I envisioned for this time in my life. I can’t change the ugly things in my life, but I don’t have to dwell there. I focus on my blessings, my family, my friends who have surrounded me with love, acceptance, encouragement. I have so much for which to be grateful. So each day I have a choice, and I choose JOY.
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