Whenever I take a hiatus from writing, I don’t like how it makes me feel. It’s the same with running. If I devoted even 10 minutes to either activity, my energy and vibration would certainly elevate but, for some reason, that fact alone isn’t always enough fuel to motivate me to take action. This post has been cerebrally developing over the course of a few weeks, but I never could make myself sit long enough to convert the thoughts to words. My heart and mind questioned if it was even acceptable to turn my attention away from the concerning events taking place in my city, state, country and world.

I have finally found peace in my heart to focus on this story. While I cannot escape reality, my mind, heart and soul all appreciate a reprieve. Light-hearted and happy may be needed now more than ever. My thoughts for this story formulated while I sat on my backyard stairs, soaking up the sun rays that Indiana kindly (and finally) rationed out. In stark contrast to my productivity, during these thinking sessions I witnessed my next door neighbors accomplish a whole flurry of activities both in front of my eyes and on social media. The inexhaustive list includes:
- babysit their grandson
- mow their lawn a few times
- tend to their vegetables & flowers
- till my garden, 3x
- plant veggies in my garden
- walk in the neighborhood & on trails
- explore bridges
- bake & share homemade treats
- appreciate & photograph the beauty of nature (i.e. the picture above)

I’ve been watching this couple perhaps a little more than others not because I’m a creepy neighbor but because I’m writing to celebrate the beginning of their love story. Tom is a retired railroad worker who used to get laid off every winter. During one of those winters, he decided to earn money as a realtor/title rep. That decision, along with the divine randomness that I have mentioned in other How They Met blog posts, helped stoke the fires to the beginning of Tom’s relationship with his wife, Lynn. She worked for a mortgage company.
Neither Tom nor Lynn knew right off the bat that the other was the one. Long story short, it seems the timing was off more than once. Eventually, though, they developed a friendship while synchronicity played its part and Tom mustered up some courage.

The duo celebrated 3 decades of marriage this past March. I have lived next to them on the short side of 5 of those years. During that time, I have taken note of their respect to each other and the quality time they share. Tom & Lynn have a Facebook page dedicated to their traveling adventures. It contains pictures of their shared experiences around the world. Walking the Camino was one of their most notable trips, but since I personally cherish exposure to any place other than here, I can’t rank any destination above another. Eager anticipation exists leading up to a trip to the Niagara Falls, but an annual drive to a covered bridge festival to honor a first date is just as uplifting. Conversations about Pikes Peak are enjoyed as much as those about historical museums. Memories are created in Spain as they are at Mesa Verde.
I can’t help but wonder if staying active together has been a key component to this relationship’s perseverance. While not all people feel a pull towards hiking, biking and traveling thousands of miles, there is something to be said for creating plans and achieving common goals together.

Lynn mentioned that she once thought that she desired a white collared worker. She is now 60 years wise and is grateful that she didn’t get what she thought she once wanted. Countless times I have heard singles create a list of non-negotiables for the mate they wish to attract. I can even admit to Drawing some Lines of my own about a year ago. It turns out that happiness is a great reason to bend a little.