Like Holly and me, Suzanne and I worked together at Dairy Queen way back in the day. However, I knew Suzanne years before we were slinging ice cream together because she is one of my cousins. (Aren’t we stylin’ in our 80’s dresses at that family wedding?) Since she was one of the only people in my family who had a swimming pool at her house, we were besties for a good long while. By working with Suzanne, I learned a good business lesson: if you hire two members from the same family, do not put them in charge of any devices that allow them to practice different accents of the English language in the earshot of customers.

I have to admit I was too busy swimming and having fun at Dairy Queen to have any idea that my cousin had sewing talent. Apparently, she has always loved designing and sewing, which were skills inherited from her grandma. Suzanne started sewing professionally about ten years ago when her oldest daughter got into figure skating. Anyone familiar with the sport knows that the costumes required are usually custom-made and very expensive, so Suzanne decided to try a hand at creating her own skate dresses for her daughter. Soon after other skate moms saw her work, she began receiving requests to design more.

Suzanne is now a mom of five and has made hundreds of dresses and costumes over the last decade. Some of her outfits have even been worn by nationally ranked skating teams! Like all companies that do business right, she gets her customers by word of mouth. She also has a Facebook business page that you can visit by clicking here.