I’ve owned the whole gamut of coffee-making devices, from automatic drips of varying sizes to the notorious Keurig. Then I stepped up my espresso game with the Gaggia Brera and then, most recently, the Nespresso. My guapo amigo can’t get past the “plastic pod” taste on the former and the latter and I just can’t find the pod that consistently tastes as delicious as the creation from the barista down the street. As for the Gaggia Brera – after one of my hippie moves across the southside of Indiana, a tube came loose inside and it was all downhill from there. For two years my practice has been to frequent local coffee shops when I have time (i.e. when I’m on vacation) and mobile app ordering through the chain that ranges from mildly to ultra disappointing near daily, while bitching about it. Why am I like this?

My natural inclination isn’t to jump in, so-to-say; I’m more of a tiptoe in kinda gal. But sometimes you can just tell the time has come. Some call it a sign-a feeling that the next natural step needs to take place. In my case, it was top-level annoyance that urged my shopping momentum. The 9 Starbucks closest to me wouldn’t accept mobile orders, which meant my wait for the morning caffeine buzz my body was now accustomed to was going to be a drive AND at least a 20 minute wait in line. No can do. My days of feeling like strung out cattle waiting for my next dose from a mega corporation were over. I popped an Excedrin and began the research for our next kitchen appliance.

When I wrote about my love for my dog and my love of sleep, I housed the blogs under Spirit Strength. Love is Spirit, right? However, my love for coffee is long-developed, starting nearly 45 years ago. Therefore it felt fitting to organize this blog under Robust Relationships. The De’Longhi La Specialista Maestro arrived yesterday morning and has already been affectionately named “The Life Changer.” I realize I’m still in the honeymoon phase with this machine, but it already ranks up there with the best purchases of my adult life, coming in after the puppers (duh), but right there with the procurement of a grown person’s mattress & pillows.

Back in what feels like another lifetime when I was a teacher, I remember another teacher who crushed it every.single.day. Her classroom decorations & presentations were always over the top, all the while she was raising 4 beautiful, kind, intelligent children. I inquired of her once what was the secret, thinking possibly a stay-at-home husband might be the key to keeping all endeavors apparently seamless. Her answer, I will never forget: a couple or few Ventis from my aforementioned coffee chain. As I’m spending my 3-day weekend bonding with The Life Changer, I see a whole new life ahead of me of getting shit done. For example, the wall behind my new friend is going to get painted today so that she is showcased properly. Here’s to another case of C.S.M.A.D.
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